Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 4 of running

This morning, Julia told me that she ran 8.5km in 36 minutes yesterday. Wow. That was fast. I remembered in South Africa I could only manage a 35m13s for 8km. She then told me that her aim is to dip under 40 minutes for 10km, which is my aim too. So ya. Time will tell if we can achieve our goals.

I went running again today. Decided to run the same route as Monday. It was a 7km course which involves a lot of uphill and downhill. Can't remember running on flat for more than 30 seconds in the entire course. The scenery was breath-taking. There were wide open plains everywhere with lots of cattles and horses. In the background were the hills, with its beautiful contours seen clearly under the setting sun. I had another day of pain-free run! Yo ho!

Down-slope. (when there is a down, there is an up too on the way back)
Part of the route.
The cow was running away from me!

Beautiful scenery. One of the reasons why i love running.

That evening, I rode my scooter to Kai's place for dinner. He had a minor operation on his cheek to remove a benign growth this morning. The operation was done in private hospital and it went really smoothly. And the best thing was, the anaesthetist told Kai's mum (Chris) and he was not going to charge her for it! What a relief for them! What more, Kai was allowed to keep all the equipments/tools that were used in the operation eg the bagging mask, hudson mask, LMA etc. He was quite excited and he said he has a presentation in class next week where he is supposed to bring any object (except toy) to show to his classmates. So these medical equipments would do the job just nice!

I spent some time playing and reading with him. He is such a special boy. The sad thing is, he never met his father before. I remembered one day i brought him to church, and during Sunday School we were going to play the game - Simon says. He interrupted me and told me his mum said he is not allowed to play the game. Why, i asked. He said because his real father's name is Simon, so he is not allowed to even mention his name. My heart just broke.

Anyway i just pray and hope that Kai would grow up to be a good man. No doubt he is going to carry some wounds, specifically father-wound. But I pray that he will come to know his heavenly Father, who loves him deeply and would never forsake him.

I am special poem.
His sticker book.
Reading some poems together.
His birthday is coming soon. 13 August. Can't wait. Thank God for Chris and Kai. :)

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