Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week summary (5-11 March) ~ A week with my love


Am - 6.8km (0:32)

Am - 6.8km (0:31)
Pm - Climbing Mt Ngungun with my gf


Am - Mt Tibrogargan trail run 4km, ~363m elevation. (0:50)

Pm - Climbing Mt Tibrogargan with my gf 


Total time spent: 1 hr 52mins
Elevation gained: 363m
Total running distance: 17.6km

Experts say that for every third week you train, you have to decrease your total time and mileage in order for the muscles an joints to heal. This scaling down will turn out to be beneficial in the long run as it ensures the longevity of your training and prevents overuse injuries. This is exactly what i have done this week. :D

My gf flew all the way from Malaysia and joined me here. It really made my week all the more sweeter to have a companion to be with. She spent her day in my place watching tv series, cleaning up my kitchen, preparing warm and delicious food whilst i worked. In the evening, I returned home to find her either cooking, or feeding the cattles in my landlord's farm, or playing with neighbour's dog - Bandit. That's always best time of my day - to return home from work to give her a big hug.

On Wednesday and Saturday, we both went hiking together. It's been a while we last hiked. It was through hiking, mountain climbing and running that we became good friends, and i definitely treasure all the moments that we spent hiking together. Mt Ngungun was a fairly easy hike, and we reached the peak without much difficulty (except that she hit her head against a fallen tree and hurt herself.) It's so painful to see someone you love hurt, I wish i was the one who bore the pain rather than her. On Saturday, we hiked Mt Tibrogargan. Initially i was quite concerned that she might not be able to make it, as ascending and descending Tibrogargan requires a lot of sound rock-climbing techniques, courage and stamina. She surprised me by making it look so easy, and she was definitely more agile and confident than me when i first climbed the mountain. Good job girl. You really made me proud. :)

At night, we spent most of our time talking, reading the bible and sharing our thoughts and feelings with one another. We discussed a lot of things, and most importantly about her church. For confidentiality reason, i won't reveal much of what she shared here. Maybe in future post, i will talk about what i personally felt about that church. I know she cares a lot for the people there, and she wants to be a part of what they are doing and grow together with them, it's just that many of the doctrines and practices by the church are too constricting and stifling. I really pray that God will reveal more of His heart to her and guide her in her decision with regards to church.

I am so thankful to Joy - my landlady for keeping my gf company when i was not at home, and for lending me an air mattress so i could sleep well on my floor whilst Rachel slept on the bed. It's a commitment that my gf and i make to preserve our purity till our wedding day. Though it's difficult for me, I believe God has the ultimate joy and pleasure in store for those who are willing to listen to Him and delay sex till marriage. It will be foolish, short-sighted and unloving of me to let impatience and lust to take control.

 Rachel left yesterday. I woke up this morning feeling sad (and empty). It's time to return to the trails. :)

Climbing Mt Ngungun with Rachel

Mt Ngungun peak

Sunset in Mt Ngungun

Rachel climbing Mt Tibrogargan
This is not suitable for those who are afraid of heights

Staying focused.
Treading on narrow cliff edges
Tibrogargan peak. Am proud of my baby. :)

Sunset at Tibrogargan

Birthday celebration with my love

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