Monday, June 27, 2011


I am still injured.

In February this year, i took part in Hill-Crest Marathon -  42km in South Africa in an attempt to qualify for the Two Oceans Ultra-Marathon - 56km in May in Capetown. Due to a lack of time and my eagerness to qualify, I did not train much for it - a terrible mistake one can make in running. I ran a time of 3.45, but ended up injuring my left ankle and right knee in the process.

   Crossing the finish line at Hill-Crest Marathon.
  Mission accomplished.
 My running mentors. Uncle John (left) and Uncle Mike (back) - both are very seasoned runners and have completed more ultra-marathons than the number of years i have lived.

After much reading, i found out i had anterior tibialis tendonitis (left ankle) and ilio-tibial band (ITB) injury (right knee). 

It took me two months to be able to hit the road again. Before that, each time i ran, my right knee started to hurt so i had to stop. I tried ice therapy, deep frictioning, rolling my lateral thigh (where the ITB runs) on a foam roller, and even acupuncture for the ITB injury. They did work to a certain extent, but the pain did not go away completely.

Three weeks before the Two Oceans, out of the desperation, i started running despite the pain. I ran within the vicinity of my hospital (i was staying in doctors' quarters in Grey's Hospital then), ran with my host father in the street and to the park, and ran to Edendale Hospital (where i worked) early in the morning, and ran back to Grey's after work (12km each way).

Finally the race. I finished the entire 56km. With much walking and slow running. Did it in 6hr13min.

The joy of finishing Two Oceans Marathon.

Now i am down with additional injuries. Am nursing patellofemoral tendonitis of my left knee, commonly known as runner's knee. A very common injury indeed.

Gold Coast Marathon is six days away. I signed up for the half marathon.

God help me to recover.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to you and congrats big time!!! i am running my first 56km at the 2oceans in 2 weeks.... panicking cause i run 51 last week and develop a pain on my iliacus muscle try to take it easy now... also got the flu so cant really force my running and have to do one last long run tomorrow 25km... besides my trip to south africa is 4 days and have to accommodate to jet lag and stuff as soon as i land so wish me luck If you could do it as you were i now carry more hopes thanks for sharing your story and keep going strong! :)
